Andrea Lo Curto




What is Outerspace?

Outerspace is an AI-based platform, in a business agreement with incubators, with the purpose to address the pre-seed and series A start-ups in the application process for incubation, matching the parameters required by sustainable-oriented incubation programs.

Main features

Start-up analysis

Graphics and charts to define the start-up competitivity in the market;

Data comparison with competitors and program parameters;

Space card

Clear and complete data collection;

Downloadable and sharable self-evaluation tab;

Program suggestion

Detailed list of customer incubators and their programs;

AI-based suggestions for the most suitable programs for the start-up;

Digital workspace

Calendar service for all the team;

Gantt generator to organize the work inside the team;

Service main features

Digital workspace

Calendar service for all the team;

Gantt generator to organize the work inside the team;

Program suggestion

Detailed list of customer incubators and their programs;

AI-based suggestions for the most suitable programs for the start-up;

Start-up analysis

Graphics and charts to define the start-up competitivity in the market;

Data comparison with competitors and program parameters;

Space card

Clear and complete data collection;

Downloadable and sharable self-evaluation tab;

Service Blueprint

AI Core System

Data Input definition

The first important consideration to be made about the data used by the platform, and thus by the AI, is that each technological sector we could refer to has different and unique data parameters for its branch; the conclusion was that, hypothetically, the platform should divide the users and thus the start-ups first of all according to the sector of reference, to tailor the platform to those specific data needs.


We decided that the AI would process the data of the users registered on the platform using analysis and cataloging methods that we had constructed and based on the data sources outlined above.

Here are the data that the user (manager of a start-up) will be called upon to fill in through their knowledge of their own company. The division into three macro-groups and in turn sub-groups of each block of data is structured in such a way as to facilitate the understanding of the different sections of interest. All the three groups are part of the so called business plan, that every type of start-up is supposed to have.

Final system and AI tasks

The definitive AI core system is based entirely on rule-based classification processes applied to the numerable dataset provided by the start-up user himself at the time of registration (and ideally updated over time) and whose objective is to generate and display a comparison between the user's data and those of other users or to the parameters of the incubation programs registered on the platform by the incubators.


Home page layout

The home page is presented as a dashboard to summarize all the platform's contents on a single screen; the idea was to allow the user to immediately have a general idea of the situation in each section, and then go into more detail click by click on various specific aspects.

The entire interface of this section is composed of graphs of the data analysed by the AI, each placed in comparison with the data of competitors and incubation programs.
The terms of comparison can be controlled by a special control panel through which it is possible to select a specific competitor with whom to compare one's data or a specific program whose parameters are to be displayed.

Financial success analysis layout
Space card layout

The space card has the primary objective of collecting in a clear, accessible and immediate manner the numerous data required by the AI to perform its tasks.

Environmental impact
Market size

The program section allows you to find new programmes by filtering between those recommended and those that match the parameters of the start-up. From this section, you can also add programmes to your favourites.

Incubation programs page
Digital workspace layout

The Digital workspace aims to provide start-up teams registered on OuterSpace with some basic tools to organize their work directly on the platform where they view and explore their start-up analysis.


From 02-23 to 06-23


UX/UI Design
Service Design
AI core system definition
Prototype development


Samuele Cellura
Lorenzo Castagna
Mingyu Fan
Wang Shuang

External links:


Samuele Cellura
Lorenzo Castagna
Mingyu Fan
Wang Shuang


UX/UI Design
Service Design
AI core system definition
Prototype development


From 02-23 to 06-23

External links:




© 2023